
Monday, November 10, 2014

Diggin' Tanks

imageDiggin tanks, diggin tanks. Most red wine is fermented with its skins for good extraction of colors and flavors. This leaves the task of getting all the flat, empty grape skins out of the tanks. If you have ever mucked out a horse stall or a corral after a good rain then you will have a partial understanding of the task. 
I love digging tanks. Call me crazy but I find that it is a great physical challenge. Its also nice to have a little alone time. At bigger wineries you would probably have a digging buddy in the tank with you but here we don’t have other people and only some of our tanks are that enormous. There is always a point near the middle of the dig where you look at how much you have done, how sweaty and sore you are then at how much you still have left to do. For just a second you think that there is no way you will ever be finished! This is the point when I hear my Mamma's voice in my head telling me to cowgirl up. I then have no choice but to smile and dig in hard! It soon after this that I start to see the end.
The grape must (grape skins) is heavy and of course wet, it is also somewhere between knee and shoulder deep. You have to go FAST! Someone is waiting on you to get it done, like now. The must is hot, its reaks of hot alcohol so much that sometimes it can take your breath away. You are inside a dark tank with a box fan blowing down on you from the top door. The fan is to remove as much Carbon Dioxide as possible and maybe to cool you down a little. The fan cannot always remove all of it, sometimes it can get trapped in pockets of smushed grapes. Your reward for being able to see the floor of the tank is that you start slipping and sliding around and sometimes when you shift your weight the tank resonates with a startling BONG!  

Digging tanks makes me really feel like I’m in the heart of it. Like, “How badass am I? I make wine! I work like a man! And I look good doing it!” It is such a great feeling to know that you just shoveled 15 TONS of wet, sticky, staining grape skins out of a tiny door of a huge tank. I can't wait to drink a glass of wine that came out of one of the tanks I have dug out!
P.S. I would like to thank my Momma for making me shovel so much shit over the years! Bet she never thought she'd get a thanks for that one.

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